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Ivermectin Leads to 90% Reduction in COVID Mortality Rate(Study)[2022]

Viruses COVID

Strictly regular use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 leads to a 90% reduction in COVID-...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Booster Shot Effective for 10 Weeks Against Omicron(UKHSA)[2021]

Viruses COVID

Booster protection against symptomatic illness caused by the Omicron variant dropped by up to 25%...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Ivermectin is Effective Against COVID(Meta Studies)[2021]

Viruses COVID

Background: Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of action that potentially protect f...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Cloth Masks Dont Work (CNN)[2021]

Viruses COVID

As the highly contagious Omicron coronavirus variant continues to spread, some experts say it's p...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Lab Leak Plausible(Critical Review)[2021]

Viruses COVID

Holmes et al. have written an extensive argument for a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2 and important...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

How do Viruses Mutate(Pfizer)

Viruses COVID

From what has been observed thus far regarding the genetic evolution of SARS-CoV-2, it appears th...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

VAERS Estimate 388,000 Americans Killed by COVID Vaccines

Viruses COVID

My estimate of the VAERS under-reporting factor (URF) at 41 was based on anaphylaxis rates report...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

J&J Wanes After 6 Months(Study)[2021]

Viruses COVID

The November study, published in Science, examined COVID-19 infection and deaths by vaccination s...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Fact-checks are opinion(NYP)[2021]

Social Media Facebook

Facebook lawyers now claim that Facebook’s “fact-checks” are merely “opinion” and therefore immun...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations(NCBI)[2022]

Viruses COVID

The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the public health crises of Co...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Number of coronavirus deaths US by age (Statista)[2022]

Viruses COVID

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Gun violence was on a downward trajectory before the 1994 ban(PEW)

2nd Amendment Statistics

Between 1993 and 2000, the gun homicide rate dropped by nearly half, from 7.0 homicides to 3.8 ho...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Defensive Gun Uses (SSRN)[2021]

2nd Amendment Statistics

The survey further finds that approximately a third of gun owners (31.1%) have used a firearm to ...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Mass Shootings By Country[WPR](2009-2015)

2nd Amendment Statistics

Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Trump Addresses UN 2018

Donald Trump Energy Independence

Trump warns Germany of its reliance on Russian oil. Tells OPEC soon we will no longer need your o...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

State of the Union 2019

Donald Trump Energy Independence

Before COVID, Trump announces we are energy independent for the first time in 65 years: https://...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Revokes Trump Executive Orders For Oil Production

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 7.  Other Revocations.  (a)  Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017 (Expediting Environme...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Revokes Keystone Pipeline

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 6.  Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline.  (a)  On March 29, 2019, th...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Halts Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Programs

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 4.  Arctic Refuge.  (a)  In light of the alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program, ...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Catalyze Private Sector Investment Climate Change

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 204.  Policy.  It is the policy of my Administration to lead the Nation’s effort to combat t...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin