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Biden Government Wide Approach to Climate Change

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

(b)  Mission and Work.  The Task Force shall facilitate the organization and deployment of a Gove...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 201.  Policy.  Even as our Nation emerges from profound public health and economic crises bo...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Halts New Oil and Gas Leases

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

"In my view we already waited to long and cannot wait any longer. Its time to act. Thats why I'm ...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Carbon Free Electricity Sector by 2035

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 205.  Federal Clean Electricity and Vehicle Procurement Strategy.  (a)  The Chair of the Cou...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Replace All Government Vehicles With Electric

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

(ii)  clean and zero-emission vehicles for Federal, State, local, and Tribal government fleets, i...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Cancels Oil Subsides

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

Sec. 209.  Fossil Fuel Subsidies.  The heads of agencies shall identify for the Director of the O...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Oil CEO Survey for halting production

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy    

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden 2022 "Accelerate to clean energy"

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

"This crisis is a stark reminder we need to become energy independent. It should motivate us to t...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Blames Oil Companies

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

There are 9,000 available unused drilling permits, he claimed, and only 10% of onshore oil produc...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden "Shut down coal plants that we have"

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

"We can take millions of vehicles off the road. Replace it with a rail system. There are things w...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Granholm "If you had an electric car this wouldn't be a problem"

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

"Were all in on meeting the presidents goal of getting to 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net ...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Biden Oversight Committee Asks Oil CEOS Not To Produce

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

In late October, for example, the House Oversight and Reform Committee called in the CEOs of Exxo...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Granholm Tells Oil Executives Crude Export Ban Is Off the Table

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

The industry was also angry with the administration’s decision to dramatically reduce access to o...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

CNN Town Hall September 4, 2019

Joe Biden Oil Industry & Energy

BIDEN: I've argued against any more oil drilling or gas drilling on federal lands that we can -- ...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Methods of Suicide [NIH](2018)

2nd Amendment Statistics

National Institute of Mental Health 2018 -

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Homicide by Weapon Type [FBI](2012-2016)

2nd Amendment Statistics

FBI 2012-2016

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Death Rates by Firearm [CDC](2019)

2nd Amendment Statistics

CDC - 2019

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Private Ship Authorized to Use Cannons [1812]

2nd Amendment Historical Firearms & Others

James Madison 1812 Letters of Marque

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Kalthoff Repeater (Wiki)[1690]

2nd Amendment Historical Firearms & Others

The Kalthoff repeater was a type of repeating firearm that was designed by members of the Kalthof...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin

Puckle Gun (Wiki)[1718]

2nd Amendment Historical Firearms & Others

The Puckle gun (also known as the defence gun) was a primitive crew-served, manually-operated fli...

Updated 2 years ago by Admin