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Oil Industry & Energy

CNN Town Hall September 4, 2019

BIDEN: I've argued against any more oil drilling or gas drilling on federal lands that we can -- ...

Granholm Tells Oil Executives Crude Export Ban Is Off the Table

The industry was also angry with the administration’s decision to dramatically reduce access to o...

Biden Blames Oil Companies

There are 9,000 available unused drilling permits, he claimed, and only 10% of onshore oil produc...

Biden Oversight Committee Asks Oil CEOS Not To Produce

In late October, for example, the House Oversight and Reform Committee called in the CEOs of Exxo...

Biden 2022 "Accelerate to clean energy"

"This crisis is a stark reminder we need to become energy independent. It should motivate us to t...

Biden Halts New Oil and Gas Leases

"In my view we already waited to long and cannot wait any longer. Its time to act. Thats why I'm ...

Biden "Shut down coal plants that we have"

"We can take millions of vehicles off the road. Replace it with a rail system. There are things w...

Biden closes Alaska oil lease(Reuters)[2022]

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) -The Biden administration on Monday overturned a controversial Trump-...

Granholm "If you had an electric car this wouldn't be a problem"

"Were all in on meeting the presidents goal of getting to 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net ...

Oil CEO Survey for halting production    

Biden Cancels Oil Subsides

Sec. 209.  Fossil Fuel Subsidies.  The heads of agencies shall identify for the Director of the O...

Biden Carbon Free Electricity Sector by 2035

Sec. 205.  Federal Clean Electricity and Vehicle Procurement Strategy.  (a)  The Chair of the Cou...

Biden Replace All Government Vehicles With Electric

(ii)  clean and zero-emission vehicles for Federal, State, local, and Tribal government fleets, i...

Biden Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Sec. 201.  Policy.  Even as our Nation emerges from profound public health and economic crises bo...

Biden Government Wide Approach to Climate Change

(b)  Mission and Work.  The Task Force shall facilitate the organization and deployment of a Gove...

Biden Catalyze Private Sector Investment Climate Change

Sec. 204.  Policy.  It is the policy of my Administration to lead the Nation’s effort to combat t...

Biden Halts Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Programs

Sec. 4.  Arctic Refuge.  (a)  In light of the alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program, ...

Biden Revokes Keystone Pipeline

Sec. 6.  Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline.  (a)  On March 29, 2019, th...

Biden Revokes Trump Executive Orders For Oil Production

Sec. 7.  Other Revocations.  (a)  Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017 (Expediting Environme...